Will is transporting Mabel to Columbia, SC on the first leg of her very long trip tomorrow. He will leave really early like 6am, so we went to pick her up tonight. I know Michelle doesn't wake up on the weekends until double digits ;-)We switched Buddy for Mabel.

Dear Foster Mama Michelle,
This lady is just like you she keeps trying to take pictures of me. But just like I did with you I keep running up to her, and she keeps trying.
I got to meet two other dogs tonight. I was very well behaved just like you taught me to be. The small one Jade is really nice and calm. But that big black one, Behr he's a bit much, so they put him in the kitchen.
I do miss you. I keep hanging out by the door in hopes that we come back to your house. I am so thankful for you. You are my angel thank you so much for saving me and giving me a chance to have a great life. I promise I will make a family very happy to have me.
P.S. I'll be okay in the car tomorrow and I'll let you know when I get to my new home!

For my friends who don't know her story this is what she looked like 20 days ago!

Good luck tomorrow on your trip Mabel!
What a beautiful letter! Have a great trip tomorrow!
ohhh that is so wonderful! Hugs and kisses for Mabel, and for her foster mommas and all those who are part of the transport.
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