Buddy did great during the night. No accidents, no throwing up. However, he has kennel cough. :-( I'm not willing to continue putting my dogs at risk by fostering. We just don't have the room, okay that's a lie, I don't have the heart to separate and exclude one from our pack. We do everything together.
Last night and today I'm feeling better about the whole situation. I am okay with letting Michelle foster him into good health. She's a great person for that, and has a very calming dog named Maggie. While over here we have two
rambunctious teenagers. Since Buddy ignores their play, I'm thinking he must feel really bad.
Last night I laid on the floor parallel with Buddy and just rubbed him. He keeps his eyes closed the whole time. After my roller coaster of emotions yesterday I got to thinking the one thing that I really don't like is being patient. I want him on
meds, taken care of, on the way to recovery Right Now. I don't want to wait for a rescue with the funds. I think that is where this all started. But things are better now.
If in 6 months he is ready for adoption, and we still want him, we'll try! Even with Will's comments of the whole well that's 6 months we could have bonded with him and trained him. Anyway, it'll be alright. Buddy needs to rest now. We'll still have 10+years after that left.